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Material relating to the rehabilitation of spinal and spinal cord injuries
Description: 'On June 12th, 1888, a paper was read before the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society by Dr. Gowers and Mr. Horsley, which dealt with the case of a man from whose spinal cord a tumour had been removed with success. This paper may be said to form the foundation or starting-point of the more modern phase of spinal surgery.' (727)
'One of the earliest of the more formal operations was carried out in 1814 by the younger Cline. The patient died ; but the method of treatment excited considerable notice' and drew forth much adverse criticism. A successful case operated upon by Dr. Macewen in 1885 (Brit. Med. Journ., August 11th, 1888) marks a new era, and since then a laro-e number of successful cases has been recorded. Dr. William White, of Philadelphia, has given an admirable resume of these earlier cases in a paper published in the Annals of Surgery for July, 1889. He has collected thirteen recent examples of operation for fracture, with only one death.' (727)
'On May 9th, 1883, Dr. Macewen removed the lamince of the fifth, sixth, and seventh dorsal vertebrae in a case of complete paraplegia of two years' duration, depending upon angular deformity of the spine. The patient made a complete recovery. The number of cases of like character operated upon since this date has been numerous.' (727-728)