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Creator (Definite): Professor Sir Ludwig GuttmannDate: 1945
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PMID 21004828
[page numbers from reprint in Paraplegia 17 (1979), pp. 6-15.]
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A. Carrel and A. Hartmann, ‘Cicatrization of wounds I. The relation between the size of a wound and the rate of its cicatrization’, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 24 (5) (1916), pp. 429–450.
Description:'After healing, the traced areas of the sore are measured by means of a planimeter a method recommended in the last war by Carrel and his co-workers (1916) - making it possible to estimate the rate of healing of pressure sores under various conditions and by various forms of treatment, including plastic operations.' (9) -
C.H. Laver, 'An automatic bladder irrigator' Guy's Hospital Gazette 31 (1917), pp. 71–74.
Description:'Tidal drainage (Laver, 1917; Munro, 1943; Lawrie & Nathan, 1939; Stewart, 1942; Riches, 1943) has proved a valuable auxiliary method after suprapubic cystotomy.' (10)
D. Munro, 'Tidal drainage and cystometry in the treatment of sepsis associated with spinal cord injuries', The New England Journal of Medicine 229 (1943), pp. 6-14.
Description:'Tidal drainage (Laver, 1917; Munro, 1943; Lawrie & Nathan, 1939; Stewart, 1942; Riches, 1943) has proved a valuable auxiliary method after suprapubic cystotomy.' (10) -
E. Gutmann and L. Guttmann, 'The effect of galvanic exercise on denervated and re-innervated muscles in the rabbit', Journal of Neurology & Psychiatry 7 (1-2) (1944), pp. 7-17.
Description:'Electrotherapy is only applied in lower motor neuron lesions such as conus cauda equina lesions and has proved useful in dealing with atrophy of the denervated muscles and in accelerating functional recovery once voluntary function has commenced. This treatment is used as a substitute for active exercise and is consequently applied by vigorous contractions, the number of which are gradually increased - in various cases up to 600. It is also started at the earliest possible date after injury (see Guttmann & Guttmann, 1943).' (13)
E.W. Riches, 'The methods and results of treatment in cases of paralysis of the bladder following spinal injury', British Journal of Surgery 31 (122) (1943), pp. 135-147.
Description:'Tidal drainage (Laver, 1917; Munro, 1943; Lawrie & Nathan, 1939; Stewart, 1942; Riches, 1943) has proved a valuable auxiliary method after suprapubic cystotomy. This method, however, is of use only if it is understood by everybody concerned and is constantly supervised. The apparatus used in this Centre is that designed by Riches (1943).' (10)
G. Riddoch, 'The practical significance of the mass-reflex in the treatment of injuries of the spinal cord', Lancet 192 (4973) (1918), pp. 839-841.
Description:'The automatic action of the bladder can be greatly improved by exercising the 'mass reflex' as recommended in the last war by Riddoch (1918).' (11)
H.I. Suby, R.M. Suby and F. Albright, 'Properties of organic acid solutions which determine their irritability to the bladder mucous membrane and the effect of magnesium ions in overcoming this irritability', Journal of Urology 48 (1942), pp. 549-559.
Description:'The apparatus used in this Centre [for tidal drainage of the bladder] is that designed by Riches (1943). The fluids used for irrigation are 1 per cent acetic acid, 4 per cent boric acid or nuflave 1 : 1000 or 1 : 2000 and, in cases with stone formation, solution G (Suby, Suby & Albright, 1942).' (10)
O.F. Guthrie-Smith, Rehabilitation, Re-Education and Remedial Exercises (London: Bailliere, Tindall & Cox, 1943).
Description:'As soon as possible, especially when some voluntary function has returned, movements of joints by suspension methods in slings (as recommended by Guthrie-Smith, 1943) are added and have proved very effective.' (11)
O.W. Stewart, 'The neurogenic bladder: combined tidal irrigator and cystometer', Lancet 239 (6184) (1942), pp. 287-289.
Description:'Tidal drainage (Laver, 1917; Munro, 1943; Lawrie & Nathan, 1939; Stewart, 1942; Riches, 1943) has proved a valuable auxiliary method after suprapubic cystotomy.' (10)
R.S. Lawrie and P.W. Nathan, 'Automatic tidal drainage of the bladder', Lancet 234 (6064) (1939), p. 1072.
Description:'Tidal drainage (Laver, 1917; Munro, 1943; Lawrie & Nathan, 1939; Stewart, 1942; Riches, 1943) has proved a valuable auxiliary method after suprapubic cystotomy.' (10)