- Correspondence Details
Sent From (Definite): Albert George Dew-SmithSent To (Definite): Blennerhasset - 13 Duke Street St James's, St. James's, London SW1Y 6DB, UKDate: 17 Jan 1881
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): Cambridge University Library
'Dear Sir,
Would you be so good as to prepare on the six sample plates we send you herewith the following. Cambridge Scientific Instrument Company. Cambridge. 1881. Please make the letters quite plain as in the printing above delivered. The first four words we think should be in two lines, Cambridge in a further line & 1881 below. Please put this in hand at once and send it off to-morrow. If you will send Invoice on receipt of this you may rely on remittance by following post. Please do the work as well as you can.
For the Company
A.G. Dew-Smith.'
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Currently held by
Cambridge University Library
Description:CSI Letter-Book 1 (Dew-Smith) (f. 19)
CSI archive, Box 1.