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Creators (Definite): Wilhelm Friedrich August Grohmann; Moritz NussbaumDate: 1877
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Cited by
J.N. Langley, 'On the Changes in Serous Glands during Secretion', Journal of Physiology 2 (4) (1879), pp. 261-322.
Description:'Nussbaum [note: 'Arch. f. Mik. Anat., Bd. XVI. s. 543, 1879.'] suggests that the transition-cells which I describe are different from the darkly-stained cells described by him; a comparison of the figure 1 of his first communication with mine [note: 'Op. cit.'], and of the figure 1 of his second communication [note: 'Arch. f. Mik. Anat., Bd. XV. s. 119, 1878.'] with my fig. 2, Plate VIII., adjoined to this Paper will, I think, shew that we are dealing with the same cells.' (272-273)