- Creation
Creators (Definite): William Hale-White; The Cambridge Scientific Instrument CompanyDate: 1887
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Cited by
W. Hale-White, 'On the Histology and Function of the Mammalian Superior Cervical Ganglion', Journal of Physiology 8 (2) (1887), pp. 66-116.
Description:Explantation of Plate III (figs. 1-5):
'Fig. 1. Shows the granular pigmented condition of human cells.
Fig. 2. Shows the granular atrophic pigmented condition of human cells.
Fig. 3. Shows the granular degenerate appearance of the cells from the rhesus monkey. In sonwe sections the cells were even more degenerate and slightly pigmented.
Fig. 4. Shows the large, uniform, well nucleated cells from the cat.
Fig. 5. Shows the uniform well nucleated cells from the Dasyure. All the above Sympathetic Ganglion cells are drawn to the same scale, viz. with Hartnack Oc. 3, Obj. 7.' (78)