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Creator (Definite): Harvey Williams CushingDate: 1903
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Full title: 'The Taste Fibers and their Independence of the N. Trgeminus. Deductions froom Thirteen Cases of Gasserian Ganglion Extirpation.'
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Sherrington to Cushing - 26 May 1903 (WCG 32.10)
Description:'My dear Cushing,
Thank you for your letter & the papers. The "Trigeminous" observations interest me particularly. We have us physiologists much to hope from these observations by the surgeon, for "interrogation" is the only means of communication that can deal adequately with the subtelties of sensation: & this means of communication is barred to the physiologist even in dealing with his nearer ancestry, the apes or even his grand ancesterly anthropods. As to my own observations on "taste" it was carried out only in the earlier days after the section of the Vth; as I feared some complication by possible regrowth later.
It is pushing animal physiology beyond its legitimate capabilities to try such observations: but I did not feel that so strongly then as now. Sensation can only be adequately judged of as between man & man.'