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Creator (Definite): Sir Charles Scott SherringtonDate: 1897
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Sherrington to Cushing - 30 December 1908 (WCG 32.16)
Description:'I waited until I could look up the notes of the experiments I made on the eye-muscle nerves. I have not published anything further than the reference in Roy. Soc. Proc. of '97. I think that was [the] date. The notes made at the time show that the III and IV nerves were cut in 5 monkeys, & cut at emergergence from brain. The myelinate nerve-fibres in the muscles were looked at, at dates from 12 to 36 days; it was found that the numerous (e.g. 250) myelinate nerve fibres which reach the insertion end of the muscle in every case showed heavy degenreration. A few (e.g. 30 or so) of these were not degenerate: these were all of small calibre. We concluded these must come from Vth or from ciliary or sympathetic. On cutting Vth (this was done only in one case) distal to ganglion no degenerated myelinate fibre was found in any of the eye-muscles. I concluded that the few undegererated fibres in muscle tendon must come from synap. or from ciliary ganglion.'