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Dodd, A. Rader, K.A. and Thorson, L.E., 'Introduction', pp. 1-11.



Part I: Preserving

Ruud, L.C., 'Six Monstrous Pigs: Animal Monsters and Museum Practices in the Eighteenth-Century El Real Gabinete de Historia Natural', pp. 15-36.

Brenna, B. 'The Frames of Specimens: Glass Cases in Bergen Museum Around 1900', pp. 37-57.

Rothfels, N. 'Preserving History: Collecting and Displaying in Carl Akeley's In Brightest Africa', pp. 58-73.


Part II: Authenticating

Ogilvie, B.W. 'The Pleasure of Describing: Art and Science in August Johann Rösel von Rosenhof's Monthly Insect Entertainment', pp. 77-100.

McGhie, H.A. 'Images, Ideas, and Ideals: Thinking with and about Ross's Gull', pp. 101-127.

Thorsen, L.E. 'A Dog of Myth and MAtter: Barry the Saint Bernard in Bern', pp. 128-149.


Part III: Interacting

Dodd, A. 'Popular Entomology and Anthropomorphism in the Nineteenth Century: L.M. Budgen's Episodes of Insect Life', pp. 153-175.

Rader, K.A. 'Interacting with The Watchful Grasshopper; or, Why Live Animals Matter in Twentieth-Century Science Museums', pp. 176-191.

Flinterud, G. 'Polar Bear Knut and His Blog', pp. 192-213.


