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Material relating to Sir Charles Sherrington's interest in fatigue
Description: - notes that CSS gave ‘a most interesting lecture in the Physiological Theatre in Owens College, on October 17th, to members of the Froebel society, Teachers Guild, and the Society for Child Study. The subject selected was “Fatigue.” After explaining the phenomena of muscular fatigue as shown by a nerve-muscle preparation, and anaylsing the phenomena exhibited by it, he dwelt on the breakdown that takes place at the seat of the junction of nerve and muscle. The phenomena of Curare poisoning led one to to the theory that the action was largely a chemical one. The phenomena of so-called fatigue of the flexor muscles of the middle finger were shown by means of the ergograph of Mosso. On the sensory side, the effects of walking, play and muscular action on such phenomena as the sensibility to touch were illustrated. The effects of a bright white light in diminishing the brightness apart from the hue of a colour was brought home to the audience by means of a simple but striking experiment. Altogether the lecture seemed to be highly appreciated by the large audience.’ (1371)