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D.G.R. Bentliff to M.R. Simmons, 29th April, 1959 (DO 35/8641).
29 Apr 1959
Description:'Dear Miss Simmons,
Please refer to your letter EC.1601/51 of 14th January about the R.S.P.C.A.'s representation to the Pakistan Ministry of Agriculture over the export of monkeys for anti-poliomyelitis research.
2. We have made enquiries through the Trade Commission in Dacca; it is of course from East Pakistan that the monkeys were exported. They have heard of no reaction on the part of the Pakistan authorities there to the R.S.P.C.A.'s letter
4. I enclose a copy of the press handout of the Pakistan Government of January 21st which you may find of interest and which you may think worthwhile passing on to the R.S.P.C.A.'
Recipient of
Margaret R. Simmons to D.G.R. Bentliff, 14th January, 1959 (DO 35/8641).
14 Jan 1959
Description:'Dear Mr. Bentliff,
I enclose a copy of a letter which the Chief Secretary of the R.S.P.C.A. has sent to the Pakistan Minister of Agriculture about the export of monkeys for the purposes of anti-poliomyelitis research. A similar letter has been sent to the Indian Minister, about which I am writing separately to Mr. O'Brien in New Delhi.