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Sent From (Definite): William Lane-PetterSent To (Definite): Margaret R. SimmonsDate: 29 Sep 1959
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Sent from
William Lane-Petter
29 Sep 1959
Description:'Dear Miss Simmons,
You have already heard from Mr. Whittaker of the Medical Research Council, Head Office, that I am to go to India sometime between now and the end of the year, particularly in connection with the shipment of monkeys for laboratory use.
I plan to spend about 3 weeks in India which is not a very long time n a country where things tend to move rather slowly. I would like to make quite sure that while I am there I see the best people concerned in the Indian Government, in order to persuade them to adopt the recommendations for the carriage of laboratory monkeys by air which have recently been published by the British Standards Insitution. These recommendations have been devised by a technical committee of which I was chairman but they owe a great deal to a smaller expert committee previously set up by the Medical Research Council. I was also chairman of this committee.
It would be a great help to me, therefore, if you could suggest who in the High Commissioner's Office in Delhi, could give me the best advice and assistance when I go there. If you would like me to come and see you and talk about this I could certainly arrange to do so.'
Sent to
Margaret R. Simmons
29 Sep 1959
Description:'Dear Miss Simmons,
You have already heard from Mr. Whittaker of the Medical Research Council, Head Office, that I am to go to India sometime between now and the end of the year, particularly in connection with the shipment of monkeys for laboratory use.
I plan to spend about 3 weeks in India which is not a very long time n a country where things tend to move rather slowly. I would like to make quite sure that while I am there I see the best people concerned in the Indian Government, in order to persuade them to adopt the recommendations for the carriage of laboratory monkeys by air which have recently been published by the British Standards Insitution. These recommendations have been devised by a technical committee of which I was chairman but they owe a great deal to a smaller expert committee previously set up by the Medical Research Council. I was also chairman of this committee.
It would be a great help to me, therefore, if you could suggest who in the High Commissioner's Office in Delhi, could give me the best advice and assistance when I go there. If you would like me to come and see you and talk about this I could certainly arrange to do so.'