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Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations Office
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
Description:'EN CLAIR
No. 612
Our No. 693.
1. Government of India have now published order permitting export of monkeys weighing four pounds and above.
2. Order also amends regulations for carriage of monkeys. Maximum of eight monkeys weighing between four and six pounds and six monkeys weighing over six pounds may be carried in standard container thirty six by nineteen by eighteen inches.
3. Copies of the order to follow by air mail.'
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
Description:'EN CLAIR
No. 612
Our No. 693.
1. Government of India have now published order permitting export of monkeys weighing four pounds and above.
2. Order also amends regulations for carriage of monkeys. Maximum of eight monkeys weighing between four and six pounds and six monkeys weighing over six pounds may be carried in standard container thirty six by nineteen by eighteen inches.
3. Copies of the order to follow by air mail.'