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Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeDate: 29 Apr 1958
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NB: Telegram
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
29 Apr 1958
Your telegram No. 759.
Interested parties here have been urging us to press Indian authorities for reply to representations referred to in paragraph 1 of our telegram No. 504. But in view of Minister of Health statement in Parliament that Indian restrictions have not so far interfered with manufacture of vaccine in United Kingdom we have been reluctant to do this without fresh instructions from you.
2. Delhi representative of Glaxos [sic] has now shown us telegram from his United Kingdom principals saying that unless supplies of Rhesus monkeys are made available immediately, interruption of polio vaccine manufacture is inevitable.'
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
29 Apr 1958
Your telegram No. 759.
Interested parties here have been urging us to press Indian authorities for reply to representations referred to in paragraph 1 of our telegram No. 504. But in view of Minister of Health statement in Parliament that Indian restrictions have not so far interfered with manufacture of vaccine in United Kingdom we have been reluctant to do this without fresh instructions from you.
2. Delhi representative of Glaxos [sic] has now shown us telegram from his United Kingdom principals saying that unless supplies of Rhesus monkeys are made available immediately, interruption of polio vaccine manufacture is inevitable.'