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Sent From (Definite): Malcolm John MacDonaldSent To (Definite): Commonwealth Relations OfficeDate: 25 Feb 1958
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Sent from
Malcolm John MacDonald
25 Feb 1958
Description:'EN CLAIR
No. 313.
Addressed to Commonwealth Relations Office No. 313, repeated Board of Trade No. Creda 23.
Government of India have banned with immediate effect export of monkeys weighing below six repeat six pounds.
2. At request of B.O.A.C. we are trying to get this decision modified so as to allow exporters to honour existing commitments.
3. Indian Health authorities claim that monkeys weighing less than six pounds are useless for medical purposes. Can you give us urgently authoritative expression of view on this point preferably from Medical Research Council.'
Sent to
Commonwealth Relations Office
25 Feb 1958
Description:'EN CLAIR
No. 313.
Addressed to Commonwealth Relations Office No. 313, repeated Board of Trade No. Creda 23.
Government of India have banned with immediate effect export of monkeys weighing below six repeat six pounds.
2. At request of B.O.A.C. we are trying to get this decision modified so as to allow exporters to honour existing commitments.
3. Indian Health authorities claim that monkeys weighing less than six pounds are useless for medical purposes. Can you give us urgently authoritative expression of view on this point preferably from Medical Research Council.'