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Recipient of
J. Thomson to H.F. Bartlett, 16th June, 1955 (DO 35/8639).
16 Jun 1955
2. Yesterday afternoon, at the Medical Research Council's office I met Mr. Bramble, United States State Department and a representative of the United States Polio Research [Foundation?], both of whom are going out to New Delhi to discuss with the Government of India, United States requirements of Rhesus monkeys in the period immediately ahead. Following this meeting I sent a telegram to out High Commissioner in New Delhi, a copy of which I enclose herewith, together with copies of two connected telegrams dealing with the supply position as far as the United Kingdom is concerned.
3. I was very glad to have had the opportunity of meeting our friends from the United States and to have given them some tips as to how they might best set about their tasks in discussions with the Indians to secure the objectives we all have in view with the least limelight and the greatest effect. ...'