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P.G. Shute, ‘A note on the habits of A. maculipennis as observed during a recent tour of Roumania and Bessarabia, with particular reference to Hospital Socola, Tomesti and Osoi – Report to the Malaria Commission, League of Nations. Geneva. June 1935.'
Description:'Professor Cuica and Dr Chelarescu demonstrated to me the very heavy mortality among the A. typicus which they use in their laboratory at the institute of Professor Ballif. Eighty to ninety per.cent. deaths over a period of ten days is about the average. If this finding compares favourably with what happens in nature than at first sight it would appear that it should be extremely difficult for typicus and messeae to maintain endemic malaria but when it is remembered that numbers over a hundred can easily be collected in a single bedroom it is not so difficult to understand. It could be explained by numbers alone.'