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- Born
Date: 20 Aug 1894
- Died
Date: 25 Apr 1970
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20 Aug 1894
25 Apr 1970
Cited by
S.P. James and P.G. Shute, Report on the First Results of Laboratory Work on Malaria in England (Geneva: League of Nations Health Organization, 1926).
Description:‘Colonel J.R. Lord, C.B.E., Medical Superintendent of the Horton Mental Hospital, Epsom, arranged to set apart an isolated block of the hospital for the treatment of patients and to place a laboratory at my disposal in this block. I take the opportunity to thank him for these and other arrangements which greatly facilitated our task and also to thank Drs. Moodie and [3-4] Nicol, Medical Officers of the hospital, for much assistance in every respect of the work. Dr. Nicol was in medical charge of the patients who passed through the course of treatment at Horton during the two years with which this report is concerned and also collaborated with us in the laboratory and clinical studies.’ (3-4)
Cited by
S.P. James, ‘Some General Results of a Study of Induced Malaria in England,’ Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 24 (5) (1931), pp. 477-525.
Description:‘I desire to place on record in the beginning of the paper that the observations represent the united work done by myself, Dr. W.D. Nicol and Mr. P. G. Shute, in mutual co-operation, and that the thanks of all concerned are due to Colonel Lord for the arrangements which enabled it to be carried out.’ (478)