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Sent From (Definite): unknownSent To (Definite): Thomas CarnwathDate: 6 Mar 1934
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Holder (Definite): The National Archives (UK)
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Sent from
6 Mar 1934
Description:‘Dear Carnwath,
We were speaking about this laboratory the other day and I promised to let you have the file. You will see that we have next year again to take up the question with the Treasury and that the position is by no means free from difficulty.
Yours sincerely,
Sent to
Thomas Carnwath
6 Mar 1934
Description:‘Dear Carnwath,
We were speaking about this laboratory the other day and I promised to let you have the file. You will see that we have next year again to take up the question with the Treasury and that the position is by no means free from difficulty.
Yours sincerely,