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Sent From (Definite): Sir Rickard ChristophersSent To (Definite): Percy George ShuteDate: 29 Aug 1939
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Holder (Definite): Wellcome Library
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Sent from
Sir Rickard Christophers
29 Aug 1939
Description:‘My dear Shute,
Just a line to let you know how the Anopheles material went. The egg laying was very successful practically every insect laying so that I got a very good series and some small larvae to rear. Whether the fixation I used is good for the [illeg.] plates I don’t know. I think one may have to do something more drastic. At any rate I should think the later stages may be quite good. The larvae were not very successful. Though I carried them all the way in my hand there were a good many deaths (I suspect these possibly pupating) and for some reason the remaining larvae did not come through very well though I had [illeg.] I thought quite good conditions. However, another generation is coming on slowly. I saw adult maculipennis on the ceiling of the lower room in the hotel & at night but very little to be found in the ditches &c. Perhaps I haven’t got the right conditions in mind. Most of the ditches here are flag filled with rather clean water often running. I imagine some ponds are better but hope to create something eventually. I got some pupae from the larvae but very small and a great many larvaes seemed to linger without doing anythin and then die. Mindful my breeds need better conditions. Very many thanks for all your kindness.
Yours sincerely,
Sir R. Christophers.’
Sent to
Percy George Shute
29 Aug 1939
Description:‘My dear Shute,
Just a line to let you know how the Anopheles material went. The egg laying was very successful practically every insect laying so that I got a very good series and some small larvae to rear. Whether the fixation I used is good for the [illeg.] plates I don’t know. I think one may have to do something more drastic. At any rate I should think the later stages may be quite good. The larvae were not very successful. Though I carried them all the way in my hand there were a good many deaths (I suspect these possibly pupating) and for some reason the remaining larvae did not come through very well though I had [illeg.] I thought quite good conditions. However, another generation is coming on slowly. I saw adult maculipennis on the ceiling of the lower room in the hotel & at night but very little to be found in the ditches &c. Perhaps I haven’t got the right conditions in mind. Most of the ditches here are flag filled with rather clean water often running. I imagine some ponds are better but hope to create something eventually. I got some pupae from the larvae but very small and a great many larvaes seemed to linger without doing anythin and then die. Mindful my breeds need better conditions. Very many thanks for all your kindness.
Yours sincerely,
Sir R. Christophers.’