Related to
Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics
Description: ‘Considered.
A Report of the University College Committee dated March 4th, 1913, on proposed Regulations for the administration of the Galton Laboratory, as follows;-
Department of Applied Statistics, including Biometric and Galton Laboratories.
Section III of the Report of the Galton Laboratory Committee of December 4th being proposed Regulations for the administration of the Galton Laboratory for the Study of National Eugenics.
(c) That Professor Pearson has taken over the direction of the Biometric Laboratory that previously formed part of the Department of Applied Mathematics at University College: that this is in accordance with the desire expressed in Sir Francis Galton’s will in the following terms:
“that the University will supply the Laboratory or offices at such place as its Senate shall from time to time determine but preferably in the first instance in proximity to the Biometric Laboratory,” and
(d) That the Biometric and Galton Laboratories are closely related; and that, for the purposes of administrative unity, they form a single Department. Such Department is styled in the Resolution of the Senate set out and in the College Calendar “the Department of Applied Statistics.”
(e) That the new building offered by the anonymous benefactor is a building for the Department of Applied Statistics, including the Biometric and Galton Laboratories.
(f) That Regulations for the administration of the Galton Laboratory for the study of National Eugenics are therefore unnecessary; that the Galton Committee with its present reference and constitution should not be re-appointed in June next.
That the following be for 1912-13 [sic] the terms of reference to the Francis Galton Laboratory Committee:-
To manage the Francis Galton Laboratory, and to report thereon through the Academic Council and the University College Committee.
That the Francis Galton Laboratory Committee be constituted for 1912-13 [sic] as follows:-
The Official Members,
Mr. Jackson,
The Principal
Major L. Darwin,
Mr. E.G. Wheler,
The Chairman of the University College Committee’