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- Born
Date: 13 May 1857
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Date: 16 Sep 1932
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13 May 1857
16 Sep 1932
R. Ross to E.W. Scripture, 3rd April 1923.
3 Apr 1923
Description:‘Dear Dr. Scripture,
I have not seen anything about the treatment of general paralysis by malaria, but I should require a lot of evidence before believing it, and I think that the a priori case against it is so strong that I should not be willing to spend any time over further enquiries.
With compliments,
Yours sincerely,
[R. Ross].’
Recipient of
E.W. Scripture to R. Ross, 28th March 1923.
28 Mar 1923
Description:‘Dear Sir Ronald,
It has been suggested to me that you might possibly be interested in the treatment of general paralysis by malaria. Last summer I observed this work in Vienna; it is remarkably successful. Perhaps you would suggest how it might be introduced into England.
I am
Yours sincerely,
E.W. Scripture.’