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Sent From (Definite): William Halse Rivers RiversSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 2 May 1896
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
William Halse Rivers Rivers
2 May 1896
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
The anthropometric Committee are very pleased to hear that you propose to make use of their measurements. The details are entered on cards, and the Committee prefer that the cards should not be removed from the Philosophical Library. If you would like to have the details copied by some one here, I have no doubt that the Librarian (who takes the measurements) would do it at a moderate cost. We have now over 8000 cards of men, any of which are at your disposal.
Believe me,
Yours truly,
W.H.R. Rivers.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
2 May 1896
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
The anthropometric Committee are very pleased to hear that you propose to make use of their measurements. The details are entered on cards, and the Committee prefer that the cards should not be removed from the Philosophical Library. If you would like to have the details copied by some one here, I have no doubt that the Librarian (who takes the measurements) would do it at a moderate cost. We have now over 8000 cards of men, any of which are at your disposal.
Believe me,
Yours truly,
W.H.R. Rivers.’