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Sent From (Definite): Sir William Matthew Flinders PetrieSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 27 Oct 1898
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie
27 Oct 1898
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
I am sorry to hear that the finger bones are not sufficiently complete for your measurements. The hands were often broken & disturbed. Some were I know quite complete & preserved, but probably not enough in number for your investigation.
If you think well to let the boxes of bones go to Macalister, by all means. I suppose they will require packing up again to be safe for travelling. If so I will set my man on it. The Skulls you will settle the home of until you have completed all you want. Or would you like tosee of Macalister would do the measures you wish for, & so send them at once?
I have a large quantity of measures of IV-XI dynasty, Ptolemaic, & Roman. We have tabulated all, & are building diagrams with printed number slips then the number of each skeleton, so as to refer to other tables for the same skeleton [diag. here]. Thus any individual skeleton can be traced through all its dimensions in the tables, &the pile of reference numbers opposite each number of millimeters form a curve diagram of frequency. This is a great improvement, mainly due to my friend Mac Iver who did all the work.
I hope to work another early cemetery. If you will describe what classes of measures you may wish taken we will do our best.
Yours very sincerely,
W.M. Flinders Petrie.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
27 Oct 1898
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
I am sorry to hear that the finger bones are not sufficiently complete for your measurements. The hands were often broken & disturbed. Some were I know quite complete & preserved, but probably not enough in number for your investigation.
If you think well to let the boxes of bones go to Macalister, by all means. I suppose they will require packing up again to be safe for travelling. If so I will set my man on it. The Skulls you will settle the home of until you have completed all you want. Or would you like tosee of Macalister would do the measures you wish for, & so send them at once?
I have a large quantity of measures of IV-XI dynasty, Ptolemaic, & Roman. We have tabulated all, & are building diagrams with printed number slips then the number of each skeleton, so as to refer to other tables for the same skeleton [diag. here]. Thus any individual skeleton can be traced through all its dimensions in the tables, &the pile of reference numbers opposite each number of millimeters form a curve diagram of frequency. This is a great improvement, mainly due to my friend Mac Iver who did all the work.
I hope to work another early cemetery. If you will describe what classes of measures you may wish taken we will do our best.
Yours very sincerely,
W.M. Flinders Petrie.’