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Sent From (Definite): Alexander MacalisterSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 7 May 1907
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Alexander Macalister
7 May 1907
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
My hands are very full of work and I fear to promise any paper lest I should not be able to perform. I have however a pile of work which, if I can, I shall try to reduce to a publishable form. I have about 70 measurements on over 1000 Egyptian crania from which I hope to come to some conclusions if ever I have leisure to write them up.
Very sincerely yours
Alex Macalister.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
7 May 1907
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
My hands are very full of work and I fear to promise any paper lest I should not be able to perform. I have however a pile of work which, if I can, I shall try to reduce to a publishable form. I have about 70 measurements on over 1000 Egyptian crania from which I hope to come to some conclusions if ever I have leisure to write them up.
Very sincerely yours
Alex Macalister.’