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Sent From (Definite): Maud ScottSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 22 Jul 1922
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Maud Scott
22 Jul 1922
‘Dear Mr Pearson,
I don’t know any one in this part of the country who would take your dogs, but Miss Betts – my assistant – thinks her sister would do so – if Stansted Essx about an hour from London would suit. I am sure they would be well & carefully kept if she took them.
I saw Miss Dawson’s puppy at [illeg.]Show last Thursday – the one that had blue eyes – the eyes are quite brown now – but lighter in colour than is usual in a Pekingese. Mrs Andrews says if you cannot find [a] blue eyed or “wall eyed” bitch, and decide to take “Choo-Ko” you can have a free stud service to “Prince Tuan” or “O-lo-peen” for her.
She would mate her away from that strain altogether if possible, if she had her for breeding.
She was very interested in what you told her about Pekingese being bred from four different breeds, - if you have any printed or written notes on the subject she would like very much to borrow these, as she could not hear all you said on the subject. If you have time to see Mrs Glesson’s[?] “Happie” dogs & could give her any idea when you would be likely to go, she would write to Mrs Glesson[?] to give instructions to her Kennel Maid to show them if she was not at home herself. I enclose a lock of “[illeg.]” hair... [continued – photo of doc. not present].’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
22 Jul 1922
‘Dear Mr Pearson,
I don’t know any one in this part of the country who would take your dogs, but Miss Betts – my assistant – thinks her sister would do so – if Stansted Essx about an hour from London would suit. I am sure they would be well & carefully kept if she took them.
I saw Miss Dawson’s puppy at [illeg.]Show last Thursday – the one that had blue eyes – the eyes are quite brown now – but lighter in colour than is usual in a Pekingese. Mrs Andrews says if you cannot find [a] blue eyed or “wall eyed” bitch, and decide to take “Choo-Ko” you can have a free stud service to “Prince Tuan” or “O-lo-peen” for her.
She would mate her away from that strain altogether if possible, if she had her for breeding.
She was very interested in what you told her about Pekingese being bred from four different breeds, - if you have any printed or written notes on the subject she would like very much to borrow these, as she could not hear all you said on the subject. If you have time to see Mrs Glesson’s[?] “Happie” dogs & could give her any idea when you would be likely to go, she would write to Mrs Glesson[?] to give instructions to her Kennel Maid to show them if she was not at home herself. I enclose a lock of “[illeg.]” hair... [continued – photo of doc. not present].’