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Sent From (Definite): Vira SmithSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 20 May 1915
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Vira Smith
20 May 1915
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
Sené is bringing up her remaining white male puppy very nicely. I am sorry the others died. I enclose the monthly bill, I have managed to make last months biscuit & rice last out over this month.
A cow belonging to a farmer near had an accident & had to be shot and the farmer gave me about 40lbs of excellent beef which they are eating now, so next month’s bill ought to be very small, and they are getting rather more meat than usual.
Donnach’s coat is looking beautiful. The pig-sty you objected to has been burnt down, for which we cannot help feeling very thankful.
Yours sincerely,
Vira[?] Smith.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
20 May 1915
‘Dear Professor Pearson,
Sené is bringing up her remaining white male puppy very nicely. I am sorry the others died. I enclose the monthly bill, I have managed to make last months biscuit & rice last out over this month.
A cow belonging to a farmer near had an accident & had to be shot and the farmer gave me about 40lbs of excellent beef which they are eating now, so next month’s bill ought to be very small, and they are getting rather more meat than usual.
Donnach’s coat is looking beautiful. The pig-sty you objected to has been burnt down, for which we cannot help feeling very thankful.
Yours sincerely,
Vira[?] Smith.’