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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Helga Sharpe HackerDate: 28 Mar 1928
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
28 Mar 1928
‘My dear daughters,
It seems rather mean to write to neither of you for ten weeks and then to take the opportunity of affectionate letters from both of you to write a joint letter! But it has been rather uphill work this term... However perhaps the top of March hill is in sight & one can walk without puffing and panting down the slope towards summer. Mother & I came down [to Coldharbour] on Sunday Egon seeing us off at Victoria & Ben accompanying us down, with disastrous effects on mother’s & my coats, for he is in his usual state of moult. I think he is glad to be here though he has had already three or four beatings for absolutely unprovoked assaults on [William Patton?] Ker. He has been out for three walks, Saturday afternoon and twice today with Ker & myself & is then perfectly peaceful, but what he cannot stand is any affection shown by Ker to ourselves... Mr Morant has just come back from Brunn (or Brno) and Vienna. In the former place there was much material, which he was allowed to measure, but he had to sign a statement that he would not publish it! In the latter place there was very little, but he was allowed to do anything he liked & the museum folk were very kind. Mahr[?] asked him to a lecture on Stonehenge & gave him a supper after,- but he found them all very bitter against the Czechs, whereas in Czechoslovakia they could talk nothing but evil of the Austrians! – a century will hardly lay the bitterness of the Great War.
Of laboratory matters you will have heard that Egon has got his degree & says he shall never use it. That Get[?] had three puppies of which two died & that the remaining one probably suffers from ulcers of the body wall! Just what Get would be sure to produce. Settie has two very fine puppies,- alas! both males and we await Poll’s litter this next week.'
Sent to
Helga Sharpe Hacker
28 Mar 1928
‘My dear daughters,
It seems rather mean to write to neither of you for ten weeks and then to take the opportunity of affectionate letters from both of you to write a joint letter! But it has been rather uphill work this term... However perhaps the top of March hill is in sight & one can walk without puffing and panting down the slope towards summer. Mother & I came down [to Coldharbour] on Sunday Egon seeing us off at Victoria & Ben accompanying us down, with disastrous effects on mother’s & my coats, for he is in his usual state of moult. I think he is glad to be here though he has had already three or four beatings for absolutely unprovoked assaults on [William Patton?] Ker. He has been out for three walks, Saturday afternoon and twice today with Ker & myself & is then perfectly peaceful, but what he cannot stand is any affection shown by Ker to ourselves... Mr Morant has just come back from Brunn (or Brno) and Vienna. In the former place there was much material, which he was allowed to measure, but he had to sign a statement that he would not publish it! In the latter place there was very little, but he was allowed to do anything he liked & the museum folk were very kind. Mahr[?] asked him to a lecture on Stonehenge & gave him a supper after,- but he found them all very bitter against the Czechs, whereas in Czechoslovakia they could talk nothing but evil of the Austrians! – a century will hardly lay the bitterness of the Great War.
Of laboratory matters you will have heard that Egon has got his degree & says he shall never use it. That Get[?] had three puppies of which two died & that the remaining one probably suffers from ulcers of the body wall! Just what Get would be sure to produce. Settie has two very fine puppies,- alas! both males and we await Poll’s litter this next week.'