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J. Williams to E. Nettleship, 29th Aug. 1911.
29 Aug 1911
‘Dear Sir,
I am very sorry that [I] have not answered your letter before – I have been away. I am sending you the pedigree of my Collie bitch Fly. The Grand Father was an old English dog with two blue eyes and Bob tail. The Grand mother was an [sic] Black x Tan old Welsh. The father was a crossby the Old English from a Scotch Collie bitch - & with regards to the bob tail which you spoke about in your letter, the mother used to always have two or three bob tails in every litter of puppies that she had – but the present – Fly - has never had but one bob tail out of six litters that she has had & that one is with my Father Williams Puthley close to Llandrindodd – She was born bob tail – with one wall eye & one brown eye. That is all the instruction that [I] can give you at the present time.
Yours truly
J. Williams.
Hoping you have not forgotten the photo you promised.’