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Sent From (Definite): K. Brinning [?]Sent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 12 Oct 1911
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
K. Brinning [?]
12 Oct 1911
‘Dear Sir,
I am very sorry to have left your letter so long unanswered, but I have been very busy since receiving it. It is quite true that Miss Fairman has an albino Pekingese bred by me, & it’s grandfather on the mother’s side was Goodwood Lo & the granddam was a very pale bitch owned also by Mrs Douglas Murray & named Roma. In colour it was a cream, not pure white, but decidedly an albino.
The dam in her last litter had 2 creams by another sure, but they had dark eyes & noses.
I hope the above may prove of some use to you & believe me.
Yrs faithfully,
K. Brinning[?]’
[pedigree chart enclosed with above]
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
12 Oct 1911
‘Dear Sir,
I am very sorry to have left your letter so long unanswered, but I have been very busy since receiving it. It is quite true that Miss Fairman has an albino Pekingese bred by me, & it’s grandfather on the mother’s side was Goodwood Lo & the granddam was a very pale bitch owned also by Mrs Douglas Murray & named Roma. In colour it was a cream, not pure white, but decidedly an albino.
The dam in her last litter had 2 creams by another sure, but they had dark eyes & noses.
I hope the above may prove of some use to you & believe me.
Yrs faithfully,
K. Brinning[?]’
[pedigree chart enclosed with above]