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Mrs Douglas Murray to E. Nettleship, 12th Oct. 1911.
12 Oct 1911
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
Please excuse the delay but I have been [away] from home. I thought it best to attend to the combing of the two specimens that you require myself. I regret that I cannot send Pao Chen’s hairs as he is no longer mine but I send Roma & Pulaeu Yen’s.
I am sorry I cannot entertain your proposal to mate my old Roma but it is very uncertain whether I can breed from her again. You know her head is down a little on one side & she is a heinous[?] old lady – but we are very fond of her.
I remain yours very truly,
[illeg.] Douglas Murray.’
Mrs Douglas Murray to E. Nettleship, 25th Sept. 1911.
25 Sep 1911
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
I have delayed answering your letter as I have been away from home. The breeding of these dogs is certainly always an excitement for you never know what you will get. I send you a photo of my “Yen” [not present] pale biscuit the mother is a pale cream & white feet, brown eyes & black nose – she has [illeg] the colour of herself. She is [illeg.] from the one I bought – from [illeg.]. She has never been mated with anything but red dogs. Not [illeg.]. She is well on in years & her last pup is 6 weeks old & is deep red. All her puppies are small & she is a most devoted mother. She has had the smallest pups ever[?] from[?] now the one sire[?] Paul[?] [illeg.] to very large with rather a long nose.
I see[?] her feathered toes, some [illeg.], with [illeg.] feet. I notice it is only the long foot that is feathered. Ah Cum & Mimosa were of course stolen out of the Palace & as far as I can learn, it is only in the Palace that they exist & no one knows the breeding - I fancy a rule if a very beautiful specimen was born, it was a sort of offering to the late Dowager Empress by the Eunuchs or any one inside the palace. The Palace, of course as you know is miles in extent. The breeding to colour I think sane[?].
Thanking you again for your most instructive letter, which [illeg.] first been [illeg.] me from Mr Bennett Stanford
Yours truly
[illeg.] Douglas Murray
Please return the photo of Yen.’