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Sent From (Definite): Karl PearsonSent To (Definite): Edward NettleshipDate: 10 Aug 1910
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Karl Pearson
10 Aug 1910
‘My dear Nettleship,
Very hearty thanks for your kind letter. I am very sorry about Heron. He is rather remiss in returning things & since he has been away in Germany – I think he is in Lübeck at present – there has eben a librarian up from one of the libraries where he had not returned borrowed books. Is it[?] anything urgent, or can it wait until September? If the former I will find his address & forward to you.
The pedigree of my pups is as follows, wrong way up:
[pedigree diagram]
You will see that 4 of great grandparents were albinos, 2 black Poms & two the parents of your Jack normal Pekingese. Usher has got also what he calls a red black, but I am not sure that it is not my mostly black or whether it is a real Pekinese coat. All I can say is that you will find it very difficult to make the results fit Mendelism & that we ought to press forward with these experiments to see what they do fit.
I should be glad of any advice from Mr Gray if you can get. My idea is that the rent of a kennel near London would be £25, perhaps £30; there would be £40 probably for attendance, food, taxes etc £25 to £30., and possibly some initial cost. I expect it would cost £100 a year. I have been considering how much I could take from my Eugenics & Biometric Funds for the purpose[.] The great question worth deciding is whether or not any of the new types will be stable. If we got the black dogs stable, we should almost pay our way! But apart from this, I think I might try for a couple of years, if I could find the “kennel.” I should be able to take £60 to £90 perhaps from my funds & find remainder myself. Will you think me taking your work too much if I do?
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’
Sent to
Edward Nettleship
10 Aug 1910
‘My dear Nettleship,
Very hearty thanks for your kind letter. I am very sorry about Heron. He is rather remiss in returning things & since he has been away in Germany – I think he is in Lübeck at present – there has eben a librarian up from one of the libraries where he had not returned borrowed books. Is it[?] anything urgent, or can it wait until September? If the former I will find his address & forward to you.
The pedigree of my pups is as follows, wrong way up:
[pedigree diagram]
You will see that 4 of great grandparents were albinos, 2 black Poms & two the parents of your Jack normal Pekingese. Usher has got also what he calls a red black, but I am not sure that it is not my mostly black or whether it is a real Pekinese coat. All I can say is that you will find it very difficult to make the results fit Mendelism & that we ought to press forward with these experiments to see what they do fit.
I should be glad of any advice from Mr Gray if you can get. My idea is that the rent of a kennel near London would be £25, perhaps £30; there would be £40 probably for attendance, food, taxes etc £25 to £30., and possibly some initial cost. I expect it would cost £100 a year. I have been considering how much I could take from my Eugenics & Biometric Funds for the purpose[.] The great question worth deciding is whether or not any of the new types will be stable. If we got the black dogs stable, we should almost pay our way! But apart from this, I think I might try for a couple of years, if I could find the “kennel.” I should be able to take £60 to £90 perhaps from my funds & find remainder myself. Will you think me taking your work too much if I do?
Yours very sincerely,
Karl Pearson.’