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Sent From (Definite): George Albert TurnerSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 29 Apr 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
George Albert Turner
29 Apr 1912
Description:'Dear Prof. Pearson,
I should have answered your letter of Feb. 19th 1912, but have been too busy with this [emmission [sic]?] and other matters. I have received no further communication from the Anthropological Society, but I do not think they will publish it, there are too many illustrations, however I must let the matter drop until this rush of work is over. Maynard and I have put in a certain amount of work on the train[?] weights etc. I came across a case of Xanthism in the post mortem room yesterday. I took a sample of skin and scalp and will forward them to you by another medical man who is taking specimens for me to the Liverpool Medical Congress.
Yours sincerely,
G.A. Turner.'
Sent to
Karl Pearson
29 Apr 1912
Description:'Dear Prof. Pearson,
I should have answered your letter of Feb. 19th 1912, but have been too busy with this [emmission [sic]?] and other matters. I have received no further communication from the Anthropological Society, but I do not think they will publish it, there are too many illustrations, however I must let the matter drop until this rush of work is over. Maynard and I have put in a certain amount of work on the train[?] weights etc. I came across a case of Xanthism in the post mortem room yesterday. I took a sample of skin and scalp and will forward them to you by another medical man who is taking specimens for me to the Liverpool Medical Congress.
Yours sincerely,
G.A. Turner.'