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Creator (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 1911
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
Set of cards describing colours of dogs hair accompanied by wool thread samples.
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Created by
Karl Pearson
‘a. 03 Oct. [1911] 21 days.
Ped. XI.8
Skin – Jill & Jack’s ♀ puppy B 28 Jan. D 19 Feb. [19]10.
Neither of these [samples] is quite right, both contain rather too much colour. General effect about right when coat looked at from tail towards head = hairs casting shadows.
“A” in P.56.125.
13 Aug. 11.’
‘a. 03 Oct. 6 Mo[nth]s.
Ped. XI.9
Largest skin = Fi P.56.125
B.28 Jan 1910. D. [no date given]
Darkest part [of coat], = [illeg.] of proximal part of tail, is between these 2 lightest wools.
Darkest [sample] nearly = spectacle mark.
21 Aug. 11.’
‘a. 03 Oct. 5 wks.
Ped. XI.12
Skin of “Fum” brother of “Fi” B. 28[?] Jan [19]10 D. est 5 wks.
These 2 [samples] are a trifle too red but in shade are very near the specimen.’
‘b. 03 Oct. 51 days.
Ped. XII.8.
Skin of XII.8. – 9. B. 28 Oct. D. 18 Dec. 1909. Jack x Ting.
These 3 about match different parts.
Darkest = spectacle mark.
21 Aug. 11.’
‘This nearly matches Jack’s back immediately after he had been washed.
25th Aug. 1911. It is if anything not quite dark enough.’
‘Fo. Ped. XI.11. Born 28th Jan 1980. Coat matched 22nd Aug. 1911.
Fo spectactle mark. A very near match.
Fo, general coat is between these two [samples].
He had been washed separately the day before.’