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Sent From (Definite): Charles Howard UsherSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 25 Feb 1913
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Charles Howard Usher
25 Feb 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
1) Replies to your 9 questions are on separate sheets.
2) Low’s reply about internal ear of Mairi bahn, see Low’s letter. What I asked Low & still wish to know is whether a hair when growing in length also increases in breadth.
3) Thank you for suggestions in taking dog photos. I shall attend to them.
4) I should have supposed that your proposed signs to show black dogs [sign] and black dogs with white fronts [sign] would lead to difficulties, because I doubt very much whether any other black dogs (excluding pure black poms) are without white on the chest.
Donald dhu is the blackest dog, yet there are at least 12 white hairs on his chest and it seems to me that all gradations occur to very large white chest patches. Certainly all the Pom-peks have white on chest.
Buna dhu’s litter of 5 all had white on chest.
A number of dog skins are being forwarded, including the small chocolate pups of Beenie & Prince from which you will get hair for microscope.
If you find any dog without sufficient description please let me know & I shall try and get it amplified.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
[re: above reference to ‘9 questions... on a separate sheet’:]
‘(i). [copies of registers of pedigree sent with Beenie (sire & dam)]
(ii). [re: identification of Prince’s parents, their pedigrees; registered name of Olga (‘Deeside Duchess’)
(iii). [re: Olga & Dido’s ancestry]
(iv). [descriptions of 5 pups of Beenie and Prince inc. measurements of 2]
(v). [Spelling of “Sheila”]
(vi). [‘sending pieces of dog skin’ – identifying pups taken from]
(vii). [choosing photographs from negatives, coverage of costs]
(viii). [identification of dog as “Piali”, description]
(ix). [clarification of litters of Mairi dhu; notes re: single pup litters “Yfa” and “Fraoch dhu”]’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
25 Feb 1913
‘Dear Pearson,
1) Replies to your 9 questions are on separate sheets.
2) Low’s reply about internal ear of Mairi bahn, see Low’s letter. What I asked Low & still wish to know is whether a hair when growing in length also increases in breadth.
3) Thank you for suggestions in taking dog photos. I shall attend to them.
4) I should have supposed that your proposed signs to show black dogs [sign] and black dogs with white fronts [sign] would lead to difficulties, because I doubt very much whether any other black dogs (excluding pure black poms) are without white on the chest.
Donald dhu is the blackest dog, yet there are at least 12 white hairs on his chest and it seems to me that all gradations occur to very large white chest patches. Certainly all the Pom-peks have white on chest.
Buna dhu’s litter of 5 all had white on chest.
A number of dog skins are being forwarded, including the small chocolate pups of Beenie & Prince from which you will get hair for microscope.
If you find any dog without sufficient description please let me know & I shall try and get it amplified.
Yours sincerely,
C.H. Usher.’
[re: above reference to ‘9 questions... on a separate sheet’:]
‘(i). [copies of registers of pedigree sent with Beenie (sire & dam)]
(ii). [re: identification of Prince’s parents, their pedigrees; registered name of Olga (‘Deeside Duchess’)
(iii). [re: Olga & Dido’s ancestry]
(iv). [descriptions of 5 pups of Beenie and Prince inc. measurements of 2]
(v). [Spelling of “Sheila”]
(vi). [‘sending pieces of dog skin’ – identifying pups taken from]
(vii). [choosing photographs from negatives, coverage of costs]
(viii). [identification of dog as “Piali”, description]
(ix). [clarification of litters of Mairi dhu; notes re: single pup litters “Yfa” and “Fraoch dhu”]’