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B. Gordon-Lennox to E. Nettleship, 16th Jan. 1911.
16 Jan 1911
‘Dear Mr. Nettleship,
I am very glad to give you what information I can – “Ah Cum” & “Mimosa” were imported by Mrs Douglas Murray – I saw Ah Cum, & mated him with 2 Goodwood bitches “Meh” & “Queenie”. The result of the finish was “Goodwood Lo” & the second “Put Sing” the sire of “Goodwood Chun”, so you see these two have practically sired nearly every dog in the country. I have never bred anything which varied in colour from our original golden sable & chestnut – with black points “Ah Cum” was also chestnut. The original Goodwood dogs were imported from the Summer Palace in 1860, & would have died out had it not been for my accidental meeting with “Ah Cum” I have never heard of any trace of an albino, in our strain of course what I hope may be bred some day is a pure white with black muzzle, nose & eyes which would be lovely, but so far the few white or cream ones have not black muzzles. The breed as I mentioned, had been kept going at Goodwood since 1860, but as no-one took much interest in them (until I did), they were never registered or pedigrees kept. If I can tell you anything further please ask me – have you any albino in Pekingese?
Yrs very truly,
Blanche Gordon-Lennox.’
B. Gordon-Lennox to E. Nettleship, 30th Jan. 1911.
30 Jan 1911
‘Dear Mr Nettleship,
“Pinkie” was not a Goodwood bitch: I know nothing of her, except having seen her name in Pedigrees: as she was mated to “Ah Cum” perhaps Mrs Douglas Murray could tell who she belonged to – the little dog “Lootie” which was the 5th of the original dogs, & which Gen. Dunne gave to Queen Victoria, was I understand particoloured, white, & that sort of grey coffee colour.
The Goodwood pair were Golden sable which is a shade lighter than what people call red - “Queenie” was pure-bred Goodwood directly descended from the original ones: she only had one puppy which is “Put-Sing” (who is still alive & he sired “Ch. Goodwood Chun[?]”: unluckily I lost the bitch (Nala) or we might have had some more like “Chun[?]”, who I think has been the mainstay of the breed. “Meh” I am not quite certain about, as I rather fancy, there was some tradition of the Rothschilds having imported a dog with short coat like a Pug who was used once at Goodwood, but no-one really knows as to this, for until I resuscitated the breed, no-one paid any attention to him, or know anything about them at Goodwood.
What you tell me about “Patty of Brayswick[?]” & “Wong Snig[?]” having sired an albino is interesting. “Wong” is brother to “Sutherland Queen” & “Ch. Chu. Seh[?]”, & is a very handsome dog although too big that I bought for Mr. Pierpoint Morgan. Can you tell ma about “Lady Ming” which you speak of as being sister to “Goodwood Lo”: who did she belong to? As I have lost touch of the earlier dogs I bred.
I have never seen what I call a pure white yet. Mrs Bennett Sanford had a litter at the show the other day, but they were cream-colour & will go darker – Lady Brinning has one white puppy which she says is real white like ermine; it is that I should like to see with black nose & muzzle. When I return to England, I should so much like to see you, & we might talk over the question of trying to breed the whites scientifically!
Yrs very truly,
Blanche Gordon-Lennox
Pure white with black nose & muzzle exist in the Palace, the late Chinese minister[?] told me the old Dowg Empress had one!’