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Sent From (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonSent To (Definite): Dr Julia BellDate: 26 Aug 1912
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Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
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Sent from
Maria Sharpe Pearson
26 Aug 1912
‘Egon is enormous now & I think a little languid with it, but he has[?] had no return of the pain in his side. He has only just begun to [be?] photograph[ed?] various things being against it. There has not been enough arm[?] to tempt him to [illeg.] the puppies but he must have a try. They are a dear little view with their varying colours & characters & have been quite handy as[?] well till just now when they have been refusing their food sometimes. They live in house outside roomy keenels, & make a lot of work feeding & cleaning. Their fate on our return is not yet settled. When it is fine they were able to have splendid scampers on the large lawn, & it is great fun watching them.
You act as if Helga was changed with her school life. At first there was a sort[?] of outside difference, but it very soon wore off, & her late illness has brought back quite her old self good & bad.’
Sent to
Dr Julia Bell
26 Aug 1912
‘Egon is enormous now & I think a little languid with it, but he has[?] had no return of the pain in his side. He has only just begun to [be?] photograph[ed?] various things being against it. There has not been enough arm[?] to tempt him to [illeg.] the puppies but he must have a try. They are a dear little view with their varying colours & characters & have been quite handy as[?] well till just now when they have been refusing their food sometimes. They live in house outside roomy keenels, & make a lot of work feeding & cleaning. Their fate on our return is not yet settled. When it is fine they were able to have splendid scampers on the large lawn, & it is great fun watching them.
You act as if Helga was changed with her school life. At first there was a sort[?] of outside difference, but it very soon wore off, & her late illness has brought back quite her old self good & bad.’