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Sent From (Definite): Maria Sharpe PearsonSent To (Definite): Karl PearsonDate: 24 Apr 1920
- Current Holder(s)
Holder (Definite): University College London: Special Collections
UCL Special Collections ref: PEARSON/11/1/16/46
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Sent from
Maria Sharpe Pearson
24 Apr 1920
‘Dearest Karl,... I note your directions about possible puppies. The difficulty is that in a litter of several some seem fitter to survive than others & one might dispatch the wrong ones & so be left with none, whereas by leaving things to nature the fitter would survive. But I see that you want the female Cornaz[?] most. While on the dogs Mrs Trowell says can you manage to send some more Spratts ovals, as Hans does not like the square ones there are not many of them left of course I don’t like them eating bread, but suppose that must be.’
Sent to
Karl Pearson
24 Apr 1920
‘Dearest Karl,... I note your directions about possible puppies. The difficulty is that in a litter of several some seem fitter to survive than others & one might dispatch the wrong ones & so be left with none, whereas by leaving things to nature the fitter would survive. But I see that you want the female Cornaz[?] most. While on the dogs Mrs Trowell says can you manage to send some more Spratts ovals, as Hans does not like the square ones there are not many of them left of course I don’t like them eating bread, but suppose that must be.’